Simple bridge model with time-space correlation#

A bridge (modeled as a simply supported beam) is equipped at multiple positions with a deflection sensor. All sensors record a time series of deflection while cars with different weights and velocities cross the bridge. Correlation is assumed in both space and time. The goal of the inference is to estimate the bridge’s bending stiffness ‘EI’. Next to ‘EI’ there are three other parameters to infer: the additive model error std. deviation ‘sigma’, the temporal correlation length ‘l_corr_t’ and the spatial corr. length l_corr_x. Hence, four parameters in total, all of which are inferred in this example using maximum likelihood estimation as well as sampling via emcee.

First, let’s import the required functions and classes for this example.

# third party imports
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tripy.base import MeasurementSpaceTimePoints
from tripy.utils import correlation_function

# local imports (problem definition)
from probeye.definition.inverse_problem import InverseProblem
from probeye.definition.forward_model import ForwardModelBase
from probeye.definition.distribution import Normal, Uniform
from probeye.definition.likelihood_model import GaussianLikelihoodModel
from probeye.definition.correlation_model import ExpModel
from probeye.definition.sensor import Sensor
from probeye.subroutines import len_or_one
from probeye.subroutines import HiddenPrints

# local imports (problem solving)
from probeye.inference.scipy.solver import MaxLikelihoodSolver
from probeye.inference.emcee.solver import EmceeSolver

# local imports (inference data post-processing)
from probeye.postprocessing.sampling_plots import create_pair_plot
from probeye.postprocessing.sampling_plots import create_posterior_plot
from probeye.postprocessing.sampling_plots import create_trace_plot

The bridge that is considered in this example should have a length of ‘L_bridge’, while the positions of the ‘ns’ deflection sensors it is equipped with are given by the list ‘x_sensors’. Note that the bridge is modeled as a 1D bridge, where the coordinates of the ‘ns’ sensors are measured from the side of the bridge where the cars enter the bridge. All length measurements are stated in meters. For the following computations we also need the gravitational constant, which is also given below. Finally, we need a true value for the bridge’s bending stiffness ‘EI_true’.

# relevant length measurements; feel free to add more sensors by adding the respective
# positions in the x_sensors-list
L_bridge = 100.0  # [m]
x_sensors = [49, 51, 55]

# other relevant constants
g = 9.81  # [m/s**2]

# 'true' value of EI
EI_true = 1.0  # [10^10 Nm^2]

We will now begin with artificially generating our data. To that end, let’s define three experiments, that is three scenarios where a car with a certain mass is crossing the bridge at a certain velocity. Feel free to add more experiments here.

# definition of the experiments
experiments_def = {
    "Experiment_1": {
        "car_mass_kg": 3000.0,
        "car_speed_m/s": 2.5,
        "plot_color": "black",
    "Experiment_2": {
        "car_mass_kg": 5000.0,
        "car_speed_m/s": 10,
        "plot_color": "blue",
    "Experiment_3": {
        "car_mass_kg": 10000.0,
        "car_speed_m/s": 5.0,
        "plot_color": "red",

Let’s now define the parameters required to define the time-space correlated noise that we need to generate our synthetic test data.

# 'true' value of noise sd, and its uniform prior parameters
sigma = 0.01
low_sigma = 0.0
high_sigma = 0.2

# 'true' value of spatial correlation length, and its uniform prior parameters
l_corr_x = 10.0  # [m]
low_l_corr_x = 1.0  # [m]
high_l_corr_x = 25.0  # [m]

# 'true' value of temporal correlation length, and its uniform prior parameters
l_corr_t = 1.0  # [s]
low_l_corr_t = 0.0  # [s]
high_l_corr_t = 5.0  # [s]

# settings for the data generation
ns = len(x_sensors)
dt = 0.5  # [s]
seed = 1

We’ll continue with defining the forward model. Note however, that we are just defining it as a class, but we do not add it to the problem yet. The reason for defining it now is that we will use it to artificially generate our test data.

class BridgeModel(ForwardModelBase):
    def interface(self):
        self.parameters = ["L", "EI"]
        self.input_sensors = [Sensor("v"), Sensor("t"), Sensor("F")]
        self.output_sensors = []
        for i, x_i in enumerate(x_sensors):
                Sensor(name=f"y{i + 1}", x=x_i, std_model="sigma")

    def beam_deflect(x_sensor, x_load, L_in, F_in, EI_in):
        """Convenience method used by self.response during a for-loop."""
        y = np.zeros(len_or_one(x_load))
        for i, x_load_i in enumerate(x_load):
            if x_sensor <= x_load_i:
                b = L_in - x_load_i
                x = x_sensor
                b = x_load_i
                x = L_in - x_sensor
            y[i] = -(F_in * b * x) / (6 * L_in * EI_in) * (L_in**2 - b**2 - x**2)
        return y

    def response(self, inp: dict) -> dict:
        v_in = inp["v"]
        t_in = inp["t"]
        L_in = inp["L"]
        F_in = inp["F"]
        EI_in = inp["EI"] * 1e10
        response = {}
        x_load = v_in * t_in
        for os in self.output_sensors:
            response[] = self.beam_deflect(os.x, x_load, L_in, F_in, EI_in)
        return response

Next to the forward model, we need to define two correlation functions in order to be able to generate the data. Please note that this is just required for the data generation. It is not required for setting up the probeye framework. If we had real data, we would not have to do this.

def correlation_func_space(d):
    return correlation_function(d, correlation_length=l_corr_x)

def correlation_func_time(d):
    return correlation_function(d, correlation_length=l_corr_t)

At this point, we have prepared all ingredients for generating our synthetic data. This code block is a bit longer, since we have to account for the non-trivial time-space correlation structure (we use tripy for this).

# initialize the bridge model
bridge_model = BridgeModel("BridgeModel")

# for reproducible results

# create and plot data for each experiment
data_dict = {}  # type: dict
for j, (exp_name, exp_dict) in enumerate(experiments_def.items()):

    # load experimental setting
    v = exp_dict["car_speed_m/s"]
    F = exp_dict["car_mass_kg"] * g  # type: ignore

    # compute the 'true' deflections for each sensor which will serve as mean
    # values; note that the values are concatenated to a long vector
    t_end = L_bridge / v  # type: ignore
    t = np.arange(0, t_end, dt)
    if t[-1] != t_end:
        t = np.append(t, t[-1] + dt)
    nt = len(t)
    inp_1 = {"v": v, "t": t, "L": L_bridge, "F": F, "EI": EI_true}
    mean_dict = bridge_model.response(inp_1)
    mean = np.zeros(ns * nt)
    for ii, mean_vector in enumerate([*mean_dict.values()]):
        mean[ii::ns] = mean_vector

    # compute the covariance matrix using tripy
    cov_compiler = MeasurementSpaceTimePoints()
        coord_mx=[[x] for x in x_sensors],
    cov_compiler.add_measurement_time_points(coord_vec=t, group="time")
    with HiddenPrints():  # this prevents printing of info messages from tripy
            group="space", correlation_func=correlation_func_space
            group="time", correlation_func=correlation_func_time
    # note here that the rows/columns have the reference order:
    # y1(t1), y2(t1), y3(t1), ..., y1(t2), y2(t2), y3(t2), ....
    cov = cov_compiler.compile_covariance_matrix()

    # generate the experimental data and add it to the problem
    y_test = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mean, cov=cov)
    y1 = y_test[0::ns]
    y2 = y_test[1::ns]

    # save the data for later
    data_dict[exp_name] = {"t": t, "v": v, "F": F}
    for ii in range(ns):
        data_dict[exp_name][f"y{ii + 1}"] = y_test[ii::ns]

    # first sensor
    c = exp_dict["plot_color"]
    plt.plot(t, mean[0::ns], "-", label=f"y1 (true, {exp_name})", color=c)
    plt.scatter(t, y1, marker="o", label=f"y1 (sampled, {exp_name})", c=c)

    # second sensor
    plt.plot(t, mean[1::ns], "--", label=f"y2 (true, {exp_name})", color=c)
    plt.scatter(t, y2, marker="x", label=f"y2 (sampled, {exp_name})", c=c)

# finish and show the plot
plt.title("Data of first two sensors for all experiments")
plt.xlabel("t [s]")
plt.ylabel("deflection [m]")
Data of first two sensors for all experiments

At this point we have some data to calibrate our model against. Hence, we can set up the inverse problem itself. This always begins by initializing an object form the InverseProblem-class and adding all of the problem’s parameters with priors that reflect our current best guesses of what the parameter’s values might look like. Please check out the ‘Components’-part of this documentation to get more information on the arguments seen below. However, most of the code should be self-explanatory.

# initialize the inverse problem with a useful name
problem = InverseProblem(
    "Simple bridge model with time-space correlation", print_header=False

# add all parameters to the problem
    domain="(0, +oo)",
    info="Bending stiffness of the beam [Nm^2]",
    prior=Normal(mean=0.9 * EI_true, std=0.25 * EI_true),
    "L", "model", tex="$L$", info="Length of the beam [m]", value=L_bridge
    domain="(0, +oo)",
    info="Std. dev, of 0-mean noise model",
    prior=Uniform(low=low_sigma, high=high_sigma),
    domain="(0, +oo)",
    info="Spatial correlation length of correlation model",
    prior=Uniform(low=low_l_corr_x, high=high_l_corr_x),
    domain="(0, +oo)",
    info="Temporal correlation length of correlation model",
    prior=Uniform(low=low_l_corr_t, high=high_l_corr_t),

As the next step, we need to add our experimental data the forward model and the likelihood model. Note that the order is important and should not be changed.

# experimental data
for exp_name, data in data_dict.items():

    sensor_values_vtF = {"v": data["v"], "t": data["t"], "F": data["F"]}
    sensor_values_x = {f"x{k + 1}": x_sensors[k] for k in range(ns)}
    sensor_values_y = {f"y{k + 1}": data[f"y{k + 1}"] for k in range(ns)}
    sensor_values = {**sensor_values_vtF, **sensor_values_x, **sensor_values_y}


# add the forward model to the problem
problem.add_forward_model(bridge_model, experiments=[*data_dict.keys()])

# likelihood models
for exp_name in problem.experiments.keys():
    loglike = GaussianLikelihoodModel(
        correlation=ExpModel(x="l_corr_x", t="l_corr_t"),

Now, our problem definition is complete, and we can take a look at its summary:

# print problem summary
2023-08-02 14:22:36.734 | INFO     | # ================================================================================================ # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.734 | INFO     | #                                                                                                  # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.734 | INFO     | #                                            dP                                                    # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.734 | INFO     | #                                            88                                                    # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.734 | INFO     | #                  88d888b. 88d888b..d8888b. 88d888b. .d8888b. dP    dP .d8888b.                   # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.734 | INFO     | #                  88'  `88 88'     88'  `88 88'  `88 88ooood8 88    88 88ooood8                   # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.734 | INFO     | #                  88.  .88 88      88.  .88 88.  .88 88.      88.  .88 88.                        # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.735 | INFO     | #                  88Y888P' dP      `88888P' 88Y8888' `88888P' `8888P88 `88888P'                   # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.735 | INFO     | #                  88                                                .88                           # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.735 | INFO     | #                  dP                                            d8888P                            # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.735 | INFO     | #                                                                                                  # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.735 | INFO     | # ================================================================================================ # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.735 | INFO     | #                                                                                                  # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.735 | INFO     | #        Version 3.0.4 - A general framework for setting up parameter estimation problems.         # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.735 | INFO     | #                                                                                                  # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.735 | INFO     | # ================================================================================================ # | probeye.subroutines:print_probeye_header:620
2023-08-02 14:22:36.738 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.739 | INFO     | Problem summary: Simple bridge model with time-space correlation                                     | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.739 | INFO     | ================================================================                                     | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.739 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.739 | INFO     | Forward models                                                                                       | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.739 | INFO     | ---------------------------------------------------------                                            | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.739 | INFO     |  Model name   | Global parameters   | Local parameters                                               | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.739 | INFO     | --------------+---------------------+--------------------                                            | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.739 | INFO     |  BridgeModel  | L, EI               | L, EI                                                          | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.740 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.740 | INFO     | Priors                                                                                               | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.740 | INFO     | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.740 | INFO     |  Prior name       | Global parameters                     | Local parameters                         | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.740 | INFO     | ------------------+---------------------------------------+---------------------------------------   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.740 | INFO     |  EI_normal        | EI, mean_EI, std_EI                   | EI, mean_EI, std_EI                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.740 | INFO     |  sigma_uniform    | sigma, low_sigma, high_sigma          | sigma, low_sigma, high_sigma             | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.740 | INFO     |  l_corr_x_uniform | l_corr_x, low_l_corr_x, high_l_corr_x | l_corr_x, low_l_corr_x, high_l_corr_x    | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.740 | INFO     |  l_corr_t_uniform | l_corr_t, low_l_corr_t, high_l_corr_t | l_corr_t, low_l_corr_t, high_l_corr_t    | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.740 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.741 | INFO     | Parameter overview                                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.741 | INFO     | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.741 | INFO     |  Parameter type/role   | Parameter names                                                                                     |   Count | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.741 | INFO     | -----------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------- | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.741 | INFO     |  Model parameters      | EI, L                                                                                               |       2 | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.741 | INFO     |  Prior parameters      | mean_EI, std_EI, low_sigma, high_sigma, low_l_corr_x, high_l_corr_x, low_l_corr_t, high_l_corr_t    |       8 | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.741 | INFO     |  Likelihood parameters | sigma, l_corr_x, l_corr_t                                                                           |       3 | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.741 | INFO     |  Const parameters      | mean_EI, std_EI, L, low_sigma, high_sigma, low_l_corr_x, high_l_corr_x, low_l_corr_t, high_l_corr_t |       9 | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.741 | INFO     |  Latent parameters     | EI, sigma, l_corr_x, l_corr_t                                                                       |       4 | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.741 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.742 | INFO     | Parameter explanations                                                                               | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.742 | INFO     | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------                          | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.742 | INFO     |  Name          | Short explanation                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.742 | INFO     | ---------------+-----------------------------------------------------------                          | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.742 | INFO     |  mean_EI       | Normal prior's parameter for latent parameter 'EI'                                  | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.742 | INFO     |  std_EI        | Normal prior's parameter for latent parameter 'EI'                                  | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.742 | INFO     |  EI            | Bending stiffness of the beam [Nm^2]                                                | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.742 | INFO     |  L             | Length of the beam [m]                                                              | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.742 | INFO     |  low_sigma     | Uniform prior's parameter for latent parameter 'sigma'                              | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.743 | INFO     |  high_sigma    | Uniform prior's parameter for latent parameter 'sigma'                              | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.743 | INFO     |  sigma         | Std. dev, of 0-mean noise model                                                     | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.743 | INFO     |  low_l_corr_x  | Uniform prior's parameter for latent parameter 'l_corr_x'                           | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.743 | INFO     |  high_l_corr_x | Uniform prior's parameter for latent parameter 'l_corr_x'                           | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.743 | INFO     |  l_corr_x      | Spatial correlation length of correlation model                                     | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.743 | INFO     |  low_l_corr_t  | Uniform prior's parameter for latent parameter 'l_corr_t'                           | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.743 | INFO     |  high_l_corr_t | Uniform prior's parameter for latent parameter 'l_corr_t'                           | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.743 | INFO     |  l_corr_t      | Temporal correlation length of correlation model                                    | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.744 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.744 | INFO     | Constant parameters                                                                                  | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.744 | INFO     | -------------------------                                                                            | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.744 | INFO     |  Name          |   Value                                                                             | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.744 | INFO     | ---------------+---------                                                                            | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.744 | INFO     |  mean_EI       |    0.9                                                                              | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.744 | INFO     |  std_EI        |    0.25                                                                             | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.744 | INFO     |  L             |  100                                                                                | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.744 | INFO     |  low_sigma     |    0                                                                                | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.744 | INFO     |  high_sigma    |    0.2                                                                              | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.745 | INFO     |  low_l_corr_x  |    1                                                                                | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.745 | INFO     |  high_l_corr_x |   25                                                                                | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.745 | INFO     |  low_l_corr_t  |    0                                                                                | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.745 | INFO     |  high_l_corr_t |    5                                                                                | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.745 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.745 | INFO     | Theta interpretation                                                                                 | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.745 | INFO     | +---------------------------+                                                                        | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.745 | INFO     | |  Theta  |    Parameter    |                                                                        | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.745 | INFO     | |  index  |      name       |                                                                        | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.745 | INFO     | |---------------------------|                                                                        | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.746 | INFO     | |      0 --> EI             |                                                                        | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.746 | INFO     | |      1 --> sigma          |                                                                        | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.746 | INFO     | |      2 --> l_corr_x       |                                                                        | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.746 | INFO     | |      3 --> l_corr_t       |                                                                        | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.746 | INFO     | +---------------------------+                                                                        | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.746 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.746 | INFO     | Added experiments                                                                                    | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.746 | INFO     | ---------------------------------------------------                                                  | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.746 | INFO     |  Name         | Sensor values    | Forward model                                                     | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.746 | INFO     | --------------+------------------+-----------------                                                  | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.747 | INFO     |  Experiment_1 | v  ( 1 element)  | BridgeModel                                                       | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.747 | INFO     |               | t  (81 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.747 | INFO     |               | F  ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.747 | INFO     |               | x1 ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.747 | INFO     |               | x2 ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.747 | INFO     |               | x3 ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.747 | INFO     |               | y1 (81 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.747 | INFO     |               | y2 (81 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.747 | INFO     |               | y3 (81 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.747 | INFO     |  Experiment_2 | v  ( 1 element)  | BridgeModel                                                       | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.748 | INFO     |               | t  (21 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.748 | INFO     |               | F  ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.748 | INFO     |               | x1 ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.748 | INFO     |               | x2 ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.748 | INFO     |               | x3 ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.748 | INFO     |               | y1 (21 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.748 | INFO     |               | y2 (21 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.748 | INFO     |               | y3 (21 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.748 | INFO     |  Experiment_3 | v  ( 1 element)  | BridgeModel                                                       | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.748 | INFO     |               | t  (41 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.749 | INFO     |               | F  ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.749 | INFO     |               | x1 ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.749 | INFO     |               | x2 ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.749 | INFO     |               | x3 ( 1 element)  |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.749 | INFO     |               | y1 (41 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.749 | INFO     |               | y2 (41 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.749 | INFO     |               | y3 (41 elements) |                                                                   | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.749 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.749 | INFO     | Added likelihood models                                                                              | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.749 | INFO     | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                         | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.750 | INFO     |  Name         | Parameters                | Target sensors   | Experiment                            | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.750 | INFO     | --------------+---------------------------+------------------+--------------                         | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.750 | INFO     |  Experiment_1 | l_corr_x, l_corr_t, sigma | y1, y2, y3       | Experiment_1                          | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.750 | INFO     |  Experiment_2 | l_corr_x, l_corr_t, sigma | y1, y2, y3       | Experiment_2                          | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.750 | INFO     |  Experiment_3 | l_corr_x, l_corr_t, sigma | y1, y2, y3       | Experiment_3                          | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978
2023-08-02 14:22:36.750 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.definition.inverse_problem:info:978

After the problem definition comes the problem solution. There are different solver one can use, but we will just demonstrate how to use two of them: the scipy-solver, which merely provides a point estimate based on a maximum likelihood optimization, and the emcee solver, which is a MCMC-sampling solver. Let’s begin with the scipy-solver:

# this is for using the scipy-solver (maximum likelihood estimation)
scipy_solver = MaxLikelihoodSolver(problem, show_progress=False)
max_like_data =
2023-08-02 14:22:36.755 | INFO     | Solving problem via maximum likelihood estimation                                                    | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:_run_ml_or_map:452
2023-08-02 14:22:36.756 | INFO     | Using start values:                                                                                  | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:_run_ml_or_map:460
2023-08-02 14:22:36.756 | INFO     | EI        = 0.9                                                                                      | probeye.subroutines:print_dict_in_rows:728
2023-08-02 14:22:36.756 | INFO     | sigma     = 0.1                                                                                      | probeye.subroutines:print_dict_in_rows:728
2023-08-02 14:22:36.756 | INFO     | l_corr_x  = 13.0                                                                                     | probeye.subroutines:print_dict_in_rows:728
2023-08-02 14:22:36.756 | INFO     | l_corr_t  = 2.5                                                                                      | probeye.subroutines:print_dict_in_rows:728
2023-08-02 14:22:36.756 | INFO     | Starting optimizer (using Nelder-Mead)                                                               | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:_run_ml_or_map:464
2023-08-02 14:22:36.756 | INFO     | No solver options specified                                                                          | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:_run_ml_or_map:469
2023-08-02 14:22:38.956 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:356
2023-08-02 14:22:38.956 | INFO     | Results of maximum likelihood estimation                                                             | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:359
2023-08-02 14:22:38.956 | INFO     | =====================================                                                                | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:359
2023-08-02 14:22:38.957 | INFO     | Optimization terminated successfully.                                                                | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:359
2023-08-02 14:22:38.957 | INFO     | -------------------------------------                                                                | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:359
2023-08-02 14:22:38.957 | INFO     | Number of iterations:           227                                                                  | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:359
2023-08-02 14:22:38.957 | INFO     | Number of function evaluations: 384                                                                  | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:359
2023-08-02 14:22:38.957 | INFO     | -------------------------------------                                                                | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:359
2023-08-02 14:22:38.957 | INFO     | EI_opt       = [0.99503857] (start = 0.9)                                                            | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:382
2023-08-02 14:22:38.958 | INFO     | sigma_opt    = [0.00956326] (start = 0.1)                                                            | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:382
2023-08-02 14:22:38.958 | INFO     | l_corr_x_opt = [8.69766034] (start = 13.0)                                                           | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:382
2023-08-02 14:22:38.958 | INFO     | l_corr_t_opt = [0.98924203] (start = 2.5)                                                            | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:382
2023-08-02 14:22:38.958 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.inference.scipy.solver:summarize_point_estimate_results:383

All solver have in common that they are first initialized, and then execute a run-method, which returns its result data in the format of an arviz inference-data object (except for the scipy-solver). Let’s now take a look at the emcee-solver.

emcee_solver = EmceeSolver(problem, show_progress=False)
inference_data =, n_initial_steps=200)
2023-08-02 14:22:38.963 | INFO     | Solving problem using emcee sampler with 200 + 2000 samples and 20 walkers                           | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:run:178
2023-08-02 14:22:38.963 | INFO     | No additional options specified                                                                      | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:run:186
2023-08-02 14:27:20.652 | INFO     | Sampling of the posterior distribution completed: 2000 steps and 20 walkers.                         | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:run:255
2023-08-02 14:27:20.652 | INFO     | Total run-time (including initial sampling): 4m41s.                                                  | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:run:259
2023-08-02 14:27:20.652 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:run:260
2023-08-02 14:27:20.653 | INFO     | Summary of sampling results (emcee)                                                                  | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:run:261
2023-08-02 14:27:20.660 | INFO     |             mean    median    sd    5%    95%                                                        | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:emcee_summary:137
2023-08-02 14:27:20.660 | INFO     | --------  ------  --------  ----  ----  -----                                                        | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:emcee_summary:137
2023-08-02 14:27:20.660 | INFO     | EI          1.00      1.00  0.02  0.97   1.02                                                        | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:emcee_summary:137
2023-08-02 14:27:20.661 | INFO     | sigma       0.01      0.01  0.00  0.01   0.01                                                        | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:emcee_summary:137
2023-08-02 14:27:20.661 | INFO     | l_corr_x    8.97      8.88  1.19  7.18  11.06                                                        | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:emcee_summary:137
2023-08-02 14:27:20.661 | INFO     | l_corr_t    1.04      1.03  0.14  0.84   1.30                                                        | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:emcee_summary:137
2023-08-02 14:27:20.661 | INFO     |                                                                                                      | probeye.inference.emcee.solver:run:267

Finally, we want to plot the results we obtained. To that end, probeye provides some post-processing routines, which are mostly based on the arviz-plotting routines.

# this is optional, since in most cases we don't know the ground truth
true_values = {
    "EI": EI_true,
    "sigma": sigma,
    "l_corr_x": l_corr_x,
    "l_corr_t": l_corr_t,

# this is an overview plot that allows to visualize correlations
pair_plot_array = create_pair_plot(
    title="Sampling results from emcee-Solver (pair plot)",
Sampling results from emcee-Solver (pair plot)
# this is a posterior-focused plot, without including priors
post_plot_array = create_posterior_plot(
    title="Sampling results from emcee-Solver (posterior plot)",
Sampling results from emcee-Solver (posterior plot), $EI$, $\sigma$, $l_\mathrm{corr,x}$, $l_\mathrm{corr,t}$
# trace plots are used to check for "healthy" sampling
trace_plot_array = create_trace_plot(
    title="Sampling results from emcee-Solver (trace plot)",
Sampling results from emcee-Solver (trace plot), $EI$, $EI$, $\sigma$, $\sigma$, $l_\mathrm{corr,x}$, $l_\mathrm{corr,x}$, $l_\mathrm{corr,t}$, $l_\mathrm{corr,t}$

Total running time of the script: ( 4 minutes 48.620 seconds)